Collection: Opalite

Opalite is a man-made, glass-like crystal often used for its opalescent appearance. It is believed to assist in enhancing emotional resilience and fostering positive energy, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional balance and spiritual insight.


What Is Opalite?

Opalite, a captivating gem in its own right, is a man-made crystal known for its ethereal beauty and distinct opalescent glow. This synthetic crystal is carefully crafted to mimic the mesmerizing play of colors found in natural opals, adding a touch of magic to the crystal world. Unlike minerals formed through geological processes, opalite is a product of human ingenuity, born from the fusion of dolomite and metals.

The manufacturing process involves skillfully combining these materials to achieve a glassy appearance that mirrors the enchanting allure of opals. What sets opalite apart is its ability to emit a unique luminosity, displaying a breathtaking iridescence reminiscent of its natural counterparts. It has an overall white coloring and can take on a yellow or blue 'glow' to it.  Despite its artificial origin, opalite has carved a niche for itself in the realms of adornment and decor. Whether fashioned into delicate jewelry or used as decorative pieces, opalite continues to captivate enthusiasts with its otherworldly aesthetics.

Notably, opalite holds its own appeal due to its cost-effectiveness compared to genuine opals. This affordability has contributed to its rising popularity among crystal enthusiasts, providing a budget-friendly option without compromising on the charm and visual impact. Opalite's ability to evoke the essence of opals, combined with its accessible price point, makes it a sought-after choice for those seeking a balance between beauty and practicality in their crystal collection.


Opalite Meaning

opalite meaning

Opalite, although a man-made crystal, is often associated with spiritual and metaphysical properties. While its energetic attributes may not align with those of naturally occurring crystals, many individuals believe in its symbolic significance. Opalite is often seen as a stone of transition, embodying the energies of transformation and personal growth.

Some practitioners and crystal enthusiasts consider opalite to be a stone that enhances communication on all levels, fostering better expression and clearer understanding. It is believed to promote a sense of inner peace and calm, helping individuals navigate emotional challenges with grace. Opalite's soothing energy is thought to assist in overcoming fatigue, boosting vitality, and encouraging a positive outlook on life.

In the realm of spirituality, opalite is sometimes associated with the crown chakra, believed to facilitate spiritual awakening and connection to higher realms. While its metaphysical properties are subjective and depend on personal beliefs, many people find opalite to be a visually stunning and spiritually resonant addition to their crystal collection.


Opalite Properties


Opalite, despite being synthetic, is often attributed with various healing properties in metaphysical circles. While individual experiences may vary, here are some commonly mentioned healing aspects associated with opalite:

  1. Emotional Balance: Opalite is believed to have a calming influence on emotions, aiding in the release of tension and promoting emotional balance. It is often turned to during times of stress or when seeking inner peace.

  2. Communication Enhancement: Known as a stone that enhances communication, opalite is thought to facilitate open and honest expression. It may be used to improve interpersonal relationships by encouraging clear and effective communication.

  3. Spiritual Connection: Some practitioners consider opalite as a tool for spiritual development. It is associated with the crown chakra, which is believed to govern spiritual connection and higher consciousness. Using opalite during meditation or spiritual practices may assist in reaching deeper states of awareness.

  4. Energy Cleansing: Opalite is sometimes believed to have purifying properties, helping to cleanse and revitalize the energy around it. This makes it a popular choice for those seeking to clear stagnant or negative energies from their surroundings.

  5. Vitality Boost: As a crystal associated with vitality and energy, opalite is thought to help combat fatigue and uplift one's spirits. Some individuals turn to opalite for a subtle energy boost during challenging or draining times.

  6. Transition Support: Due to its symbolic association with transition and personal growth, opalite is considered by some as a supportive stone during periods of change. It is believed to help individuals adapt to new situations and navigate life's transitions with resilience.

It's important to note that the healing properties of crystals, including opalite, are largely based on personal beliefs and experiences. While many find comfort and support in working with opalite, others may resonate with different crystals based on their unique energies and intentions.


Opal Vs. Opalite

opalite properties

Opal and opalite are distinct materials with many notable differences.  I personally never saw them as similar in any way, but some people do still get confused.

  1. Natural vs. Synthetic:

    • Opal: Opal is a naturally occurring mineraloid, typically composed of hydrated silica. It forms over millions of years through the precipitation of silica from water, resulting in a unique play of colors known as opalescence.
    • Opalite: Opalite, on the other hand, is a man-made or synthetic glass, often crafted to imitate the appearance of natural opal. It lacks the geological formation and organic origin of genuine opal.
  2. Composition:

    • Opal: Natural opal is composed of tiny silica spheres arranged in a regular pattern, and its characteristic play of colors (iridescence) arises from the interaction of light with these spheres.
    • Opalite: Opalite is primarily composed of dolomite and metal to create the glassy appearance. It does not exhibit the unique play of colors seen in natural opal.
  3. Color and Opalescence:

    • Opal: The most prized feature of natural opal is its play of colors, which can include a spectrum of hues. This optical phenomenon is a result of the diffraction of light by the silica spheres.
    • Opalite: While opalite is translucent and may have a milky appearance, it lacks the vivid play of colors that defines opal. It often displays a subtle glow or iridescence, but it is not as vibrant as natural opal.
  4. Value and Rarity:

    • Opal: Natural opal is considered a precious gemstone, and its value is influenced by factors such as color, pattern, and play of colors. Opals can be rare, and their value can be substantial.
    • Opalite: Opalite is more widely available as it is a manufactured material. While it may be used for decorative purposes and in jewelry, it does not carry the rarity or high value associated with natural opal.
  5. Symbolism and Meanings:

    • Opal: Opal has a rich history and is often associated with mystery, intuition, and emotional healing. It has been considered a symbol of hope and purity.
    • Opalite: Opalite is sometimes associated with calming and soothing energies. Its meanings are often based on the intentions set by individuals who use it, but it lacks the cultural and historical significance of natural opal.

In summary, opal and opalite are distinct materials with different origins, compositions, and characteristics. Natural opal is a precious gemstone prized for its unique play of colors, while opalite is a man-made material often chosen for its aesthetic appeal.

opalite stone

Opalite - Learn The Opalite Meaning & Shop

opalite crystal

opalite stone