Crystal Meanings
If you're looking for more information on crystals and their meanings, you've come to the right spot! Here are some of the common crystal types, and quick healing crystal properties! Sometimes crystals will come into your lives on their own, and you'll find that they were just what you needed, even if you didn't know it! Every crystal has a variety of meanings or intentions, whether that be uses, zodiac associations, color therapy, and more! This pretty complete list of crystal meanings should make it easier to find the perfect crystal for your needs! Many of the crystal meanings and uses below will also link to a collection page with even more information on that stone as well as available options if you find you are in need (or want)!
Need help identifying a crystal? See our photo crystal identification guide too.
Crystals and Their Meanings
Aegerine is a powerful crystal that helps you stay true to your convictions, but also allows you to accept others for who they are. It is one of the most effective stones for helping you to let go of negativity.
- Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Water
Amber is created when tree resin is fossilized over millions of years, and it often contains small insects or other plant material that became trapped in the resin before it hardened. Amber is said to hold the ability to cleanse the mind and body.
- Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Air
Amethyst is part of the quartz crystal family. It is a great stone for protection, purification, and can also help promote a restful night of sleep. Amethyst meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: February/Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Crown
- Element Association: Air, Water
Amazonite helps reduce stress, healing after traumas, and helps to soothe. It is also a great stone for organizing. Amazonite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: August, September/Virgo
- Chakra Association: Heart, Throat
- Element Association: Earth
Ammonites symbolize growth and evolution with their earth vibes. They are also great for protective energy. Learn more about fossils >
- Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer
- Chakra Association: Third Eye
- Element Association: Storm, Earth

Angelite is a stone full of calming and healing energy that helps with stress, anger and grief. It is also great for communication in general as well as spiritual connection.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Throat, Third Eye, Crown
- Element Association: Air
Apatite is a stone known to help you develop your physic abilities, and clairvoyance. This is a great stone to keep around if you are trying to eat better or make healthier decisions as it helps with willpower. It can also help you release and detox from poor decision making and habits of the past. Great for the third eye and throat chakras.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air, Earth
Apophyllite helps you to start anew, and clear out past emotional traumas. It is a peaceful stone and one to bring great happiness. Apophyllite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Gemini
- Chakra Association: Crown
- Element Association: Air
Aragonite is an earthly crystal known for helping with the Root and Earth Star Chakras. It is grounding, helps you speak the truth, relieves stress and brings patience. It helps one to care for the earth.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air, Water
Aquamarine is a stone full of calming and stress-relieving energy! It is great for anxiety, communication, letting go, and more. Aquamarine Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Pisces
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Water
Auralite 23 is said to be one of the most powerful manifestation and healing stones. It is also known for calming energy, confidence, abundance, and love among many others.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aries
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth
Azurite is great for communication, personal growth, and calming anxiety and stress. It has a natural vibrant coloring. Azurite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: Brow, Throat
- Element Association: Air
Barite helps with communication and clear thought. Helps calm anxiety and nerves. It can also help you set boundaries.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Throat, 3rd (someone depends on color)
- Element Association: Storm
Bloodstone is a stone of grounding and protective energy! It can also help with courage, self-esteem, anxiety & fear. Bloodstone Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aries
- Chakra Association: Root, Sacral
- Element Association: Fire

Blue Aragonite is known for its soothing yet joyful energies. It is associated with both the throat and heart chakras. It is a stone of communication and empathy, so it is a great for healers, teachers, mediators and more.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air, Water
Blue Calcite is known for its calming energies. If you're someone who struggles with anxiety or who often has racing thoughts, this is the perfect crystal for you. Simply holding or carrying a piece of blue calcite can help to soothe and calm the mind. Learn More About Blue Calcite >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Water
Blue Lace Agate is a calming and nurturing crystal and helps with sleep. It also helps with creativity and protection. Sometimes called Blue Holly Agate (but it's different) Learn more about Blue Lace Agate >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air, Water
Blue Sapphire are a type of gemstone that is a variety of the mineral corundum. Blue sapphires are said to hold calming and balancing properties.
- Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Water
Calcite helps with communication, spiritually, and amplifying your energy. Also great for learning. Pink calcite is great for bringing one feelings of peace and well being. It attracts love as well as new opportunities. Helps to soothe emotionally and physically. Calcite Properties >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Fire
Carnelian is a stone of creativity, motivation and so much more! It is great for energy, focus, vitality, and empowerment. It is also said to help with stress. Carnelian Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire
Celestite is a peaceful crystal that helps to lift your spirits. It is also great for communication and creativity. The crystal of angels. Celestite Crystal Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air
Chalcedony is a stone of great love, both for self love (and confidence), and giving to others. Also a stone for helping to improve relationships. Perfect for helping with a great night of sleep including keeping nightmares away. It is a stone of luck as well. Chalcedony Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Root and Sacral
- Element Association: Water
Chalcopyrite, aka peacock ore is an uplifting and energetic stone. It helps to calm nerves and push away stressful energy. Chalcopyrite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Storm
Chrysocolla is a stone of communication and expression. It is also protective and empowering. Chrysocolla Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Heart and Throat
- Element Association: Water
Citrine is one of the most powerful stones for manifesting your desires. This is a rare stone, and thus natural citrine is harder to get. *Most ‘Citrine’ is heat-treated amethyst and has a bright orange look. Natural citrine should not be that color, and should instead be a light tan to yellow citrine color. Citrine Crystal Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Gemini
- Chakra Association: Crown and Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Air

Cobalto Calcite is a joyful and happy stone full of love! This form of calcite gets its pink or purple color from cobalt. Helps to bring you energy and a boost of cheerful vibes and excitement. Definitely a positive stone!
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Water
Cerussite is all about bringing on change. It is well known and searched after for its amazing sparkle!
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Virgo
- Chakra Association: Root, Crown
- Element Association: Storm
Cracked Quartz is a natural quartz crystal that has been treated with temperature variation to crack it more. These cracks are all internal, so you cannot feel them on the outside.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: All
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Storm
Crazy Lace Agate is known for its calming peaceful energy that aids concentration and stimulates intellect. It can also help with self expression, releasing thoughts and feelings which in turn brings deep inner peace. Crazy Lace Agate Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air and Water
Dendritic Opal has abilities to attract good energies and spirits, creating an aura of positivity in your surrounding. It can also enhance the magical qualities of life, bringing the user love, luck, and liveliness.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Sacral and Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire and Water
Dolomite is incredibly balancing, and helps to promote patience with people who can often test your limits. It will balance out your chakras.
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Earth

Elestial Amethyst is also known as skeletal amethyst or alligator amethyst. They are known to have an incredibly high vibrational energy.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Brow
- Element Association: Air
Emerald is great for abundance, luck, health, protection, and safe travels. Emerald Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Earth
Epidote is a great stone for bring about hope and positivity as it releases negativity. Helps to change patterns and your mindset. Brings about optimism and helps to cure depression.
- Chakra Association: 3rd, Heart
Fire Quartz is also known as hematoid quartz as it is included with hematite. It is covered with small little quartz points and has a bit of red hematite for a pink hue. The official name for fire/hematoid quartz is Ferruginous Quartz. The combination of these two stones uses the amplification of quartz and pairs it with the balance and grounding from hematite.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Crown and Root
- Element Association: Earth
Flower Agate is a visually interesting stone that helps us reach for our goals and dreams. It is a stone of passion and manifestation. It can also help us with new beginnings. Flower Agate Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aries
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire
Fluorite is a harmonizing and grounding stone. Purple fluorite helps enhance the mind and decision making. It is also calming and helps you connect to your higher-self. Yellow fluorite specifically helps you overcome feelings of shame. Fluorite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Pisces
- Chakra Association: Brow and Crown
- Element Association: Water
Fuchsite is a super powerful stone! Basically will make you feel like you have an angel guardian around. Seriously just google this stone’s meaning.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Heart and Throat
- Element Association: Air
Galena is grounding, protects you from negative energy, and gives you a positive and optimistic attitude. It can also bring stability and calming. Galena Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth

Garnet is a great crystal for attracting love and wealth. It can make you feel grounded and present in the moment. Great stone for manifestation and creating positive energy. It is the birthstone for January. Garnet Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Fire and Water
Grape Agate is a protective stone that offers stability, self-confidence and security. It also helps you bring out your mature and and composed side, so if you often react immaturely, this one is perfect for you! It is also a crystal for dreams and meditation. Grape Agate Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius
- Chakra Association: Throat
- Element Association: Air and Water
Gray Moonstone is a powerful stone of intention. It carries the energies of a new moon. It helps with perception, and is an effective stone for the clairvoyant and shamans. Moonstone Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Brow and Sacral
- Element Association: Water
Green Aventurine is a crystal known for prosperity, abundance, luck, love and compassion. It is also a healing and calming crystal. Great for the heart chakra. Green Aventurine Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Gemini
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Earth
Green Opal is a great stone for mental rejuvenation, and helps to relieve stress and provides clarity. It helps you to be objective and gain a new perspective. It is also a great piece for aiding in sleep.
Halite is full of cleansing and purifying energy that helps to create positive energy in your space. It can help purify the air (much like Himalayan Salt does). It is peaceful and calming and can help balance moods.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer, Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Earth
Hanksite is known to be one of the most purifying minerals to keep around. It helps with change, especially the understanding of death. It is a strong spiritual stone, especially for connecting to Earth. It is harmonizing and can help to balance the Chakras.
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Earth
Hematite is very earthy stone, great for balance and equilibrium. Helps with self-confidence. It is incredibly grounding too. Hematite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth
Herkimer Diamonds are a powerful amplifier, manifestation, healing, dreams. It is the most powerful of the quartz crystals. It holds all of the powers of a quartz as well.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: All
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Storm
Hessonite is a type of gemstone that is a variety of the mineral grossular. It is typically orange, yellow, or brown in color, but can also be found in shades of green and red. Hessonite is known for being able to boost concentration and help give the owner a clear direction in life.
- Zodiac: Gemini
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Fire
Howlite is a very calming stone. Helps with insomnia and an over-active mind. Can also help with focus and concentration to help with success. Howlite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Virgo
- Chakra Association: 3rd
- Element Association: Air
Hypersthene is a stone full of power and and strong energy! It is a stone for grounding, calming, and protective positive energy.
- Chakra Association: 3rd
- Element Association: Wind
Ibis Jasper is a great stone for calming overthinking minds, and helps with relaxation. It is a type of jasper that breaks repeatedly during its formation, and is brought back together with a growth of quartz and chalcedony between the pieces.
Iolite is a type of gemstone that is a variety of the mineral cordierite. It is typically violet, blue, or yellow in color, but can also be found in shades of gray, green, and white. Iolite is named after the Greek word for "violet," due to its violet color. Iolite can help the owner to have pure thoughts and boost self-acceptance and intuition.
- Zodiac: Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus.
- Chakra Association: Third Eye
- Element Association: Air

Jade is a type of gemstone that can be green, white, or pink in color. It is believed that jade has an amazing ability to balance the body and heal emotions. Jade can help you to banish fears, increase wealth and enhance maturity in your relationships.
- Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Earth
Kiwi Jasper (not technically a jasper) is a super calm and nurturing stone. It also brings us joy and inspiration.
- Chakra Association: Aligns All
Kunzite is an amazing stone for the heart and love. It helps with the healing process and allows one to be open to unconditional love. It also helps with positive happy thoughts and protection against negative ones.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
- Chakra Association: Crown, 3rd
- Element Association: Water
Labradorite is a protective and shielding crystal. It helps to naturally amplify your inner energy as well as increasing your intuition. Labradorite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: All, but 3rd mostly
- Element Association: Wind

Lapis Lazuli is a great stone for communication and and relationships. It also helps with anxiety, emotional blockage and psychic protection. Lapis Lazuli Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: Throat, 3rd, Crown
- Element Association: Wind
Larvikite is a stone that is supposed to help ground and protect against negative energies. It is also said to help increase creativity and curiosity.
Lava Stone is a crystal for grounding energy and helps you through change. Lavastone can also be used as an essential oil diffuser. Lava Stone Meaning >
Lemurian Crystals have an even greater master healing quality. It is said that each of the ‘rings’ or lines shown on the Lemurian hold an ancient piece of knowledge, information, or a message. As you meditate you are supposed to gently rub your finger along the crystal’s ridges. A true Lemurian only comes from one place.
- Chakra Association: Crown, Soul Star
- Element Association: Earth, Wind
Lepidolite is great for removing stress and calming anxiety. Also helps with depression. Guessing that the pretty sparkles definitely help!! Lepidolite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: All, especially heart
- Element Association: Storm, Water
Lodolite is said to be one of the most powerful healing stones. It is calming, grounding, loving, and so much more. It can also cleanse the chakras.
Malachite is a protective stone, especially for people who fly frequently. It helps to improve your moods and also helps with innovation. Malachite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus, Heart
- Element Association: Fire
Moonstone is a beautiful white and black crystal with a hint of a blue flash to it (like labradorite). Moonstone is a very loving and female centered crystal, perfect for those who are looking to help with fertility problems. It helps to heal and make you feel whole again. Rainbow Moonstone Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
- Chakra Association: 3rd, Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Wind

Morganite is a variety of the mineral beryl that is pink, peach, or salmon in color. It is often used as a gemstone in jewelry. Morganite is named after the American financier J.P. Morgan, who was a collector of gemstones. This stone can help enhance unconditional love and compassion for the owner.
- Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Water
Moss Agate (aka Tree Agate) is a stone of prosperity and grounding energy! It is also associated with loving energies, new beginnings and more. Moss Agate Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Virgo
- Chakra Association: Root, Sacral, Earth, Throat
- Element Association: Earth
Obsidian, a lava stone, is great at absorbing all things negative… energies, environmental, and technological garbage. It also helps to unearth lies, and therefore helps you find the truth. It definitely is a protective crystal! Obsidian Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth
Ocean Jasper is a multi-colored crystal ranging from dark green, to white, pink, orange and everything in between. It is great for joy, positivity, optimism, conciousness, stress. Ocean Jasper Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Heart, Solar Plexus, Throat
- Element Association: Earth
Onyx is a stone of positivity and helps to absorb negative energy. It can help balance good and bad. Onyx Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Root, Solar Plexus, 3rd
- Element Association: Earth
Opals are found in a number of countries, including Ethiopia, Australia, Brazil, and the United States. Opal is a mineraloid made up of hydrated silicon dioxide. Opal is good for intensifying emotions and banishing your inhibitions.
- Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus, Heart and Crown
- Element Association: Earth

Opalite (a man made stone) is known for it's healing and positive energies. It is also great for inner strength and self esteem. Learn more about the Opalite meaning >
Orange Calcite is known for its ability to boost vitality and promote harmony. If you're carrying around feelings of guilt or regret, Orange Calcite can help release those emotions. More about Orange Calcite >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire
Orthoceras (fossil) are great for bringing about and accepting change. They bring about a fresh energy and positive attitude.
Peach Moonstone has a very loving feminine energy and helps with calming as well! Peach Moonstone Meaning >
Peridot is a gemstone that is a variety of the mineral olivine. It is typically olive green in color, although the shade can range from yellow to brown. You can use Peridot to have improved sleep, good health and a more peaceful life.
- Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Pisces
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Earth
Petrified Wood is super duper old, and is actually no longer wood. Over millions of years, minerals overtake the original wood and create a hard formation that looks as the wood once did. Petrified wood is incredibly grounding and helps you connect to the earth.
Pink Amethyst specifically is great for the heart chakra and is a stone of love and calm. It also carries the energies of regular amethyst. Pink Amethyst Meaning >
Pink Opal is a powerful stone for emotional healing especially when it comes to matters of the heart. It is also great for calming anxiety, worry, or stress. It is also a stone of hope and thoughtfulness.
Polychrome Jasper is beautiful and colorful recent find from Madagascar. It represents energy, vitality, passion and emotions. It is a fire element. Polychrome Jasper Meaning >
Prasiolite is a stone of amplifying energies! Prasiolite is a green form of amethyst that is known to amplifiy the energies within your own heart.
Prehnite is a stone known for unconditional love and inner strength. It is incredibly healing and helps with fears. It helps with dreams and is also used for spiritual connection.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Libra
- Chakra Association: 3rd, Solar Plexus, Heart
- Element Association: Earth, Wind
Pyrite signifies prosperity and abundance. It is a protective stone that blocks out negativity and promotes overall well-being and uplifts your mood. (I can only assume it’s because sparkles make everything better HAHA). Pyrite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Earth
Quartz is a master healer. It is able to amplify the properties of surrounding crystals, and can also cleanse them. Quartz is one of the few crystals that can not only be programmed with your intentions, but also does not have to be cleansed. Clear Quartz Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: All
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Storm
Red Aventurine is a stone of revitalization and energy. It helps one spring in to action with determination and a positive mindset. Red Aventurine Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Aries
- Chakra Association: Root, 3rd
- Element Association: Earth, Fire

Red Tourmaline is said to be great for confidence and courage as well as a motivator. It may also be good for grief and opening up regarding emotions. Tourmaline Meaning >
Rhodochrosite occurs in a variety of forms, including massive, fibrous, and stalactitic. Rhodochrosite is known for its beautiful, delicate color, which is often described as "roses in pink." Rhodochrosite is known for boosting emotional healing abilities and love.
- Zodiac: Leo and Scorpio
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus and Heart
- Element Association: Fire and Water
Rhodonite is a stone full of balance and calming energy! It is perfect fo meditation, grounding, and healing, especially healing of the heart and emotional balance. Rhodonite also helps with confidence, removing doubt and allowing for clarity in confusing situations. Rhodonite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus
- Chakra Association: Heart, Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire, Earth
Rose Quartz is the stone of love. That can include relationships, self-love, and compassion. It is a soft and nurturing stone. Definitely great to keep around. Rose Quartz Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
- Chakra Association: Heart
- Element Association: Water
Rubies are a great source of energy. It is also said that these are a great stone for women, especially pregnancy. These rubies have record keepers that are said to hold ancient wisdom and a special message for the owner of the crystal. This makes them a great stone for meditation. Ruby Meaning >
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth
Ruby Feldspar is a stone full of healing energy! Provides balance, courage, and can help to align the chakras.
Ruby Kyanite is a stone of grounding and positive energy as it is a mix of minerals! A stone of love, healing, and manifestation.
Rutile (often as rutilated quartz) is known for its amazing cleansing and purifying properties and can also recharge your chakras. Rutile Quartz Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: All
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Storm
Sand Selenite, aka desert rose, sand gypsum, selenite gypsum, etc. Has all of the properties of selenite, but is also known to each carry it’s own properties that are as unique as the structures themselves. Help with change and gaining a new mindset. They also guard your spirit. Selenite Properties >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Brow and Sacral
- Element Association: Water
Sardonyx is a high vibration stone known for happiness and optimism.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Fire

Selenite helps to cleanse your crystals without having to wait for the moon! All you have to do is place your crystal rings or small crystals on the selenite sticks, and it will take care of the rest. Selenite is one of the crystals that doesn’t have to be cleansed. Selenite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Brow and Sacral
- Element Association: Water
Septarian crystals are made from yellow calcite, brown aragonite, limestone and barite. Septarian crystals are very calming, but at the same time are uplifting and joyful. They are great crystals to keep around if you frequently deal with group situations. They are also grounding.
Serpentine is a stone for meditative and spiritual energy! It is said to be able to cleanse chakras and connects with Kundalini energy. Serpentine Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Earth and Water
Shungite (elite shungite) stone is an amazing protection stone to keep around your house or office. It is said to have EMF protective abilities. Shungite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association: Fire, Wind, Storm
Smithsonite is a great stone for helping one when they are feeling overwhelmed, especially to help bring clarity to the situation.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Virgo, Pisces
- Chakra Association: Heart, Crown, 3rd
- Element Association: Water
Smoky Quartz (or smokey as some say) is a protective crystal that helps to block and absorb negative energy from your space. Smoky Quartz Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Capricorn
- Chakra Association: Crown and Root
- Element Association: Earth
Soapstone has a soothing, balancing effect while creating positive energy. It focuses on the Heart, Crown, and Root chakra, perfect for Sagittarius.
Sodalite helps with inner peace, logical thinking and clear communication. Helps filter thoughts as well. Sodalite Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Cancer
- Chakra Association: Brow and Throat
- Element Association: Air and Water
Sphalerite is an incredibly grounding stone, helps to increase vitality (energy), is great for accepting changes, starting new jobs and making decisions. Sphalerite Meaning >
- Chakra Association: Root, Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Earth, Fire

Stillbite is an incredibly gentle and loving crystal, and helps to brighten and uplift one’s mood. It helps to give you insight into situations that allow you to remain optimistic but grounded (realistic expectations).
- Chakra Association: Heart, 3rd, Crown
- Element Association: Wind
Sulfur helps to find your calm and inner peace, and can help to give you patience. It can also help to absorb negative energies around you. So if you know of someone with anger management problems, this would be a great gift to give them.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
Sunstone is a stone full of positive and empowering energy! It strengthens affirmations, mental clarity, self-worth and more.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Fire
Super 7’s are comprised of amethyst, cacoxenite, goethite, lepidocrocite, clear quartz, rutile and smoky quartz. These crystals are known to be super powerful pieces, and great for Reiki. Super 7 is also known as a melody crystal or auralite 23. Hold them up to a light to see the minerals better.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: All
- Chakra Association: All
- Element Association:
Spirit Quartz promotes harmony in addition to all the properties of quartz. It is found in South Africa almost exclusively. Spirit Quartz Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Crown
- Element Association: Fire
Tanzanite is a blue-violet variety of the mineral zoisite, and it is known for its distinctive color, which ranges from pale blue to deep violet. It is relatively rare and is only found in one place in the world: the Merelani Hills of Tanzania. Tanzanite can be used to boost your intuition and help you to feel calm.
- Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Chakra Association: Throat, Third-eye and Crown
- Element Association: Air
Tiger Eye is a stone that helps you release fears and anxiety so that you are able to more forward and take action. You will be able to make decisions based on information rather than emotions. Great for goal setting and achievement. Tiger Eye Meaning >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Leo
- Chakra Association: Solar Plexus
- Element Association: Earth and Fire
Tourmaline is a protective crystal that helps to absorb negative energy. Pink tourmaline specifically helps to let go of old wounds, guilt and depression. It is a great crystal for self-love. Tourmaline Properties >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio
- Chakra Association: Root
- Element Association: Earth
Turquoise is a blue-green mineral that is composed of copper and aluminum phosphate. Turquoise is found in many locations around the world, including the United States, Mexico, Iran, and China. Turquoise is used to attract good fortune, wealth, hope and protection.
- Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces
- Chakra Association: Heart, Throat and Third-eye
- Element Association: Wood
Unakite Jasper is a stone of emotional balance and willpower such as healing of the heart and mind, and strength from addiction. It is also said to help with sleep.
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Scorpio
- Chakra Association: 3rd
Vanadinite is a stone associated with Earth, and can help to provide energy and strength. Learn more about the Vanadinite properties >
- Birthstone/Zodiac: Virgo
- Chakra Association: Sacral, Root
- Element Association: Earth
White Aragonite is one of the rare crystals that can work with all of the chakras and allow you to realign all of them. It is a patient and stress-relieving crystal by being able to balance emotions.
Crystals and Meanings
Crystals have been used for centuries for their powerful energetic properties and spiritual significance. They are believed to be capable of healing the body, mind, and soul by transmitting positive energies and vibrations. Each crystal possesses different properties that can be used for specific purposes, such as amplifying energy, promoting tranquility, attracting love or wealth, or providing grounding and protection.
For example, clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and aid in meditation, while amethyst is associated with peace and tranquility. Rose quartz is known as the stone of love and is often used to attract and enhance love in relationships, while citrine is known for its ability to attract wealth and abundance. Hematite is a grounding stone that helps to keep you centered and focused, and tiger's eye is often used for protection and to increase confidence. When choosing a crystal, it's important to consider its specific properties and how they align with your needs and intentions.
Beyond their inherent qualities, crystals and their meanings serve as powerful aids in intention setting and reminders. By channeling your thoughts and energy into a specific crystal, you can imbue it with your aspirations and desires. These charged gems then act as visual cues, prompting you to stay aligned with your goals. For example, if your objective is to invite more abundance into your life, the radiant citrine can serve as a tangible reminder to remain steadfast on your path to prosperity. In this way, crystals become not only treasures of nature but also catalysts for personal transformation and growth.
Crystal meanings and uses can vary depending on personal preferences and beliefs. While some people may choose a crystal based on its traditional meaning, others may be drawn to a particular crystal simply because they feel a connection to it. Ultimately, the best way to choose a crystal is to listen to your intuition and select one that resonates with you.
Different Crystal Meanings
We hope this list of the most popular crystals and their meanings was helpful to you! We know people often wonder what does every crystal mean, and the answer is also up to you! Crystal books tend to have a variety of listed crystal meanings for each stone, and you should go with the one that resonates with you the most! It really is that simple. I've also always been a believer that while many crystals aren't specifically known for it, you can program it to your intention or as a beacon to remind you. After all, just seeing it will be an icon to jog your memory, just like when someone gives you a meaningful gift, when you see it, it you will remember.
If you are just getting started learning about crystals, you might also want to check out my crystals for beginners post.
Crystal Meaning FAQs
Q: How do I know if a crystal is right for me?
A: Trust your intuition. If a crystal draws you in or feels right, it's likely the one you need, regardless of its traditional meaning.
Q: Do crystals have different meanings for everyone?
A: Yes, crystal meanings can vary based on personal connection, experience, and belief, so choose what resonates with you.
Q: What determines the meaning of a crystal?
A: The meaning of a crystal is often linked to its natural properties, history, and the energy it is believed to carry. Each type of crystal is associated with specific qualities, such as healing, protection, or emotional balance.
Q: Do all crystals have the same energetic properties?
A: No, each crystal has unique properties. For example, amethyst is associated with peace and tranquility, while citrine is linked to abundance and prosperity.
Q: Why are some crystals associated with specific chakras?
A: Certain crystals are believed to resonate with the energy of specific chakras in the body. For instance, rose quartz is often linked to the heart chakra, as it is believed to promote love and emotional healing.
Q: How are crystal properties connected to their colors?
A: The color of a crystal often reflects its energy and properties. For example, red stones like garnet are linked to vitality and strength, while blue stones like lapis lazuli are associated with communication and wisdom.
Q: Are there crystals that promote mental clarity?
A: Yes, clear quartz is commonly used to enhance mental clarity, as it is believed to amplify energy and thoughts, supporting focus and concentration.
Q: What does it mean when a crystal is referred to as a "protective" stone?
A: Protective stones, like black tourmaline or hematite, are believed to shield the wearer from negative energies or emotional harm.
Q: Can a crystal's properties change depending on its shape or size?
A: While the core properties of a crystal remain the same, its shape or size may affect how its energy is felt. For example, a large crystal may be used for room energy clearing, while a small one might be carried as personal protection.
Q: Are there crystals that help with grounding?
A: Yes, grounding crystals like hematite and smoky quartz are believed to help individuals feel more connected to the earth and stay centered during stressful situations.
Q: Can crystals have healing properties for specific ailments?
A: Many crystals are associated with physical healing properties, like amethyst for stress relief or jade for supporting the body’s detox processes. However, these properties are not scientifically proven and are based on tradition and belief.
Q: Are certain crystals more powerful than others?
A: The potency of a crystal is subjective and can depend on an individual's connection to the stone. Some may feel more attuned to one crystal over another, while others might associate more power with stones like clear quartz, due to its amplification properties.
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**Crystal ‘healing’ properties or meanings listed on this site are not medical or professional recommendations, and you should always consult a doctor. Results of any crystals and their meanings or ‘healing’ suggestions listed are not in any way guaranteed.**